Marriage Counseling in West Hartford, CT Can Strengthen Marital Bonds

You might think it’s extreme to visit a psychologist in West Hartford, CT to get help with your marriage. However, an early visit to one, or to a qualified therapist or counselor, can help head off any future problems. You may not have screaming fights with your significant other, but this does not mean there is no compelling reason to go in for counseling. contributor Sarah Brooks takes a look at some of the reasons a couple should go to a counselor, even when there are no overt signs of marital problems. At the top of the list is weak communication between spouses:


A Counselor in West Hartford, CT Can Help With Substance Abuse Issues

Connecticut has been among the top ten states with a high incidence of substance abuse among persons aged 18 to 25. If you or someone close to you is suffering from an addiction, seeking help from an experienced counselor in West Hartford, CT, like Scott Sweeney from Sweeney Therapy, is the first step to getting well.

An addiction is not just a mental compulsion, but a disease that affects many of the brain’s functions, especially those involved in motivation, inhibitory control, memory, and learning. Therapy is currently the most used form of treatment for substance abuse.


Have a Psychologist in West Hartford, CT Assess Your Anger Style

When was the last time you got angry? Your reaction to something that made you mad may reveal how you handle your daily battles. A psychologist in West Hartford, CT can assess your kind of anger management, from your choice of words to the things you do when you’re mad. Identifying your style is essential in managing your anger, as suggested by Camille Noe Pagan in


On West Hartford, CT Marriage Counseling: Transcending the Honeymoon

Some people feel that the honeymoon phase is all there is to marriage, so as soon as reality sets in, they jump ship at the first dock they find. At the opposite end of the spectrum are states like Connecticut, where the divorce rate is as minute as 8 in every 1,000 couples. This might be thanks in part to the fact that more families in the state are choosing to repair their bond through services like marriage counseling in West Hartford, CT.

Here are some signs that you too, might be in need of counseling:

Wilting Communication

Ah, the honeymoon phase, where every moment presents a reason to talk to your partner about anything from the most essential to the most mundane of topics. However, this endless stream of talk isn’t bound to last forever, and if at some point you feel like an air of hesitation and secrets is growing between the two of you, it might be a call to get professional help before you grow further apart.


What Counselors in West Hartford, CT Should tell you about Drug Abuse

In 2010, West Hartford, Connecticut was named one of Kiplinger’s 10 Great Cities for Raising Families— moreover, reports indicate that the state itself has one of the lowest drug overdose mortality rates in the United States. Despite these numbers, however, the fact remains that people may still fall into the pit of drug abuse and will eventually need the help of a reliable counselor in West Hartford, CT; if you look hard enough, such victims might be your loved ones.

How exactly does drug abuse start?

The Lure

There are many reasons why people get hooked on drugs; sometimes it’s all “just for fun”, or perhaps it’s the daring and bored trying to test the very thing everyone warns them against. Whatever the reason though, there seems to be a common ground: depression, anxiety, boredom, loneliness and other negative feelings that could entice people to “get away from reality.


Marriages Improve with Help from West Hartford, CT Marriage Counseling

For people who fit the above criteria and are having problems within the marriage, visiting a psychologist in West Hartford, CT can help them deal with the marital friction caused by their behavior, differences, or both. However, these aren’t just the only reasons you and your partner should seek the services of a marriage counselor.

First, communication is important in a well-functioning marriage and if it has deteriorated into a negative state, you’ll need to see a reliable therapist ASAP. Counselors, like Scott Sweeney of Sweeney Therapy who offer marriage counseling for West Hartford, CT couples, can help change this by teaching you how to better communicate with your spouse. This can come in the form of framing your concerns better or knowing how to approach your partner non-aggressively. Many couples need to know the value of positive communication.


Facing Addiction: A West Hartford, CT Counselor Can Provide Support

The popular approach of many substance abuse counselors in CT is to engage a client in therapy. There are several modes of therapy that can help those suffering from addiction, all of which are aimed at changing a person’s behavior and attitude toward their harmful compulsions, and helping them develop healthy coping and life skills. There are many examples of therapy that can be used to do this.

One example is cognitive-behavioral therapy. This particular form of therapy teaches a person to recognize the moods, thoughts, and situations that can cause drug craving. These “triggers” make it difficult for some people to resist their urges to abuse drugs. By teaching a person to recognize these so-called triggers, they would be able to avoid them and get themselves out of harm’s way.


West Hartford, CT Marriage Counseling Helps Fix Destructive Behaviors

A passive-aggressive husband or wife wants to express discontent, but uses indirect tactics to show it. Classic passive-aggressive behaviors include procrastination, giving the silent treatment, withdrawal, and pretending not to remember requests.

Each marriage is unique, so different couples exhibit varying destructive behaviors. If you’ve noticed that you and your spouse are always fighting, consider seeing a psychologist in West Hartford, CT who specializes in couple’s counseling.


West Hartford, CT Substance Abuse Counselor on Tolls of Alcohol Abuse

Scott Sweeney, a West Hartford, CT substance abuse counselor, says that alcoholism can take a serious toll on anyone’s life. To begin with, an alcohol-dependent person will likely cause conflict among family and friends due to their erratic and irrational behavior.

Likewise, employment may be compromised as colleagues and superiors notice waning productivity or frequent absences. Even the individual’s well-being is at stake, because alcohol can cause severe damage to internal organs, and inhibit logical thinking, making the person more prone to accidents like car crashes.


West Hartford, CT, Psychologist: Self-help Aids in Fighting Depression

Depression is a growing problem in the United States, and around the world. In fact, the growth in the number of people diagnosed with depression has caught the eye of various health organizations. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association concluded that the percentage of depressed Americans continue to rise. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization estimated in 2001 that depression would be the second leading cause of disability throughout the world by 2020.

Instead of more regular psychotherapy sessions, patients who visit a licensed psychologist in West Hartford, CT could be given a list of interactive websites to visit every time they are faced with a major depressive episode. To help them understand the disorder at a more personal level and develop their own strategies for mitigating its effects, self-help books and attendance to self-help groups could also be prescribed.
